A Showcase of My Art

This is a small collection of digital artwork I’ve produced over the years. If you want a better look at my art, I’d highly recommend going to my Instagram page. However, if you want to see some art that’s a little more exclusive and the story behind some of my pieces, please scroll down.


This is Princess Lavender, an NPC from my campaign. She is chaotic and doesn’t take kindly to rules hence why she ran away from her responsibilities as the princess of VliriĆ©
This is the symbol of The Court of White Owls- the newly found government that took over Eldivane after the war (see below post for context)
This is the world in which the Dungeons and Dragons campaign I run takes place. The story goes as follows: Five years ago, a year-long war was fought, but after a mysterious grey fog covers the land, people’s memories of the year get stripped away.


This drawing was done as part of a competition to get your art in a calendar produced by the art society Scribble in UCC. This was my submission for the month of October.
This character is Lyra Starling- also drawn for the previously mentioned RPG server. She is the first-born daughter of Carina Blackthorn prior to her marriage to King Gideon. When I was drawing this character, it was important to me to communicate the fact that she was half-faerie and half-human, and due to Lyra’s secrecy surrounding her fae-half for a long time in the story, the only way to do this was with her eyes- the one thing she could never truly hide.
A family crest with a rose wrapped around a heart
This is the family crest of an RPG server I take part in. I drew it for the “noble” royal family of the fae realm House Blackthorn.


This drawing was a combination of 2 things- 1) an attempt at a more realistic digital portrait and 2) my interpretation of what if Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh had been a portrait of someone in the modern age.
This is a piece I drew in 2020 for an opinion piece on why Valentine’s Day is a scam- specifically calling out the toxic culture surrounding Valentine’s Day.


A mermaid sitting at the bottom of a waterfall on rocks
This is the second digital drawing I ever did, and it was drawn to show how far my art had come in 3 years. It’s been another three years since this piece, and the art has only improved.